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Benedict Arnold Betrays His Country

Benedict Arnold (1741-1801) was an early American hero of the Revolutionary War (1775-83) who later became one of the most infamous traitor in U.S history after he switched sides. During the outbreak Arnold participated in the capture of the British Garrison of Fort Ticonderoga in 1775. In 1776 he hindered British invasion of New York. Benedict committed treason on September 21, 1780. Before the plot rumors went around saying that Benedict abused his position as governor. There was also rumors of his courtship and marriage to Peggy Shippen, by the end of 1779, Arnold begun secret negotiations with the British. Arnold fled to British lines before the Patriots could arrest him. He became the general in the war. After fleeing, Arnold received a commission with the British. He died June 14, 1801, at age 60.
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